30 April 2005

"Here Today, Gone Tomorrow", indeed.

It seems that a person's desire and wants will never end. This, however, appears "normal", as we are but mere unenlightened human beings as yet. To devoid oneself totally of any desires is quite impossible immediately - which is why we need to practise. (Enlightenment is the end of suffering, which arise out of craving and delusion.) The key in the mean time is "moderation". Never let one's desires and thoughts become overtly excessive and definitely, not to the extent of being obsessive.

If one truly and fully understand impermanence, I guess, one's desires would be greatly reduced. Desires are nothing more than a crocodile (nb: there is a saying that crocodiles are always hungry). It just continues to buil up until one is "virtually consumed away by worldly thoughts". But the fact remains, "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow".

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