27 April 2005

Melting Candle, Flickering Flame

Our body is like a candle's wax, constantly shape-shifting.

Our mind is like a candle's flame, constantly flickering.

At no two points in time is the wax or flame the same. Changing from moment to moment,there is no fixed "candle" and "flame";there is only "melting" and "burning".

At no two points in time is our body or mind the same. Changing from moment to moment,there is no fixed "body" and "mind";there is only "ageing" and "thoughts rising and falling".

When we want a candle to burn on,we pass its flame from its dying wax to a new candle. The new candle melts on and the flame burns on -a continuation of constant change.

When we want the body to live on,we pass our consciousness from our dying body to a new body. The new body takes life, and consciousness thrives on -a continuation of constant change.

What do you burn for... in this life?

What do you burn for... life after life?

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